Energy and the Environment
Lori believes we have a responsibility to protect the planet our children will inherit. Lori will hold those who sully the environment and pollute the biosphere responsible for their actions. America is a biologically diverse and lush nation; Lori wants to fight to preserve our greatest natural resource.
Saving our planet is a priority.
- Push to expand access to cost-saving renewable energy for low-income households. Lori understands that our environment and our economy will benefit from a fresh commitment to an alternative energy source and that we must make sure there is no barrier to entry for families seeking to run their homes in a green, affordable way.
- Clean air and clean water are fundamental human rights. While this is true, Lori knows that low-income communities of color are disproportionately saddled with high levels of pollution and toxic hazards. Lori understands that climate change will affect low-income and minority communities, tribal nations, and Alaska Native villages. Lori will work towards comprehensive climate change policies that do not leave any demographic — including former mining communities — behind.
- Lori will work towards aligning the United States with international consensus and impose strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions. Lori believes it is well past time that the United States and our Environmental Protection Agency stand with the international scientific community and let their comprehensive knowledge of climate change patterns inform our own environmental policy.