Because our economy isn’t working for everyone.
Despite record highs in the stock market, it’s getting harder for working people to make ends meet, get an education and own a home. As the daughter of a Union Ironworker, I was raised in the working class section of Lowell and a lifelong resident in the Third District. In my family, everyone helped out. For me, that meant serving breakfast at a local diner on the weekends while juggling honors classes and varsity sports in order to earn a college scholarship. In Congress I’ll fight to ensure every family gets a fair shot at realizing their dreams.
Because we need a representative who knows this district and how to deliver results.
I’ve been a resident of our district for my entire life. While others are moving here because they see a political opportunity, I’m running because it’s a calling to help the people I grew up with and the people who my children are growing up with. Having worked a decade in Washington and here in the district for Marty Meehan, rising to become his chief of staff, I know how to forge the unlikely partnerships required to work with state and local government, spur economic development and deliver results for this district.
Because special interests are corrupting our government and destroying our democracy.
I will fight to end the stranglehold that corporate special interests have on government, and ensure ordinary people have a strong voice in Washington. I will continue the fight I began as a staff member on Capitol Hill to eliminate the corruptive influence of money in politics and end Citizens United.
Because we need leaders who can help our people and businesses compete in the 21st century global economy.
Having started a business-consulting firm with two other women, I’ve worked with companies of all sizes, from small family-run businesses, to manufacturing and biotech, to some of the largest and most successful Fortune 500 companies in the world. I understand how to grow a business in the Massachusetts innovation economy and will work tirelessly to help more people in our community be a part of it.
Because we need more women in leadership. Period.
As the mother of daughters and the founder of a women-owned business, I’m committed to making sure we don’t lose traction on our hard fought rights. Whether it’s access to birth control, reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work and paid leave, women wake up feeling personally assaulted by this administration. Like Congresswoman Niki Tsongas, I will pound on the table on behalf of the women of my community and our state.
Because in 2018, voters will have an opportunity to vote for the right kind of change.
The 2016 election delivered the biggest disruption to politics in modern memory. Having worked in business for the past 12 years, I know that when disruption hits, change inevitably follows. I’ll fight for the change that will create good paying jobs, improve public schools and make health care affordable, accessible and universal, once and for all.
2018 is our year. I hope you will give me the chance to make it count.